• Monday, March 27, 2017

    Technology has impacted over production

    The modification in technological progress that has motivated productivity upwards is remarkable, emphasizing the ongoing significance of focusing on technology as the main change agent. Improvements in transportation, energy systems, logistics, communication, and a multiplicity of other technological trajectories have enabled an improved standard of living through progressing productivity. Determining the particular effects of technology on productivity is a tough pursuit. It is approached over metrics like as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita, and TFP (Total Factor Productivity). We require a technological development for production process because the use of technology in production makes easy the process of production.
    Production Possibility increases due to Technology
    Productivity progression is bound by what is called the PPF (production-possibility frontier), which fundamentally stipulates a sequence of maximum amounts of two possessions that can be created using a fixed amount the related factors of production. In the environment of a given PPF, only a rise in the overall supply of inputs or a technical improvement will allow for the PPF to shift out and permit for an increase in potential outputs of both goods consecutively. The change due to variations in technology signifies increased productivity. This is a serious component in accepting the character of technology in productivity, as it is a key influence on increasing the potential production possibilities (Boundless.com).
    Technology plays a major role in manufacturing.
    The organization that is used progressive manufacturing as manufactures that “gradually incorporate new modern methods in both procedures and goods. The rate of technology implementation and the ability to use that technology to persist competitively and add value describe the progressive manufacturing sector. World Class Foundry as: "A WCM is one which incorporates the latest-gen equipment with systems to help 'production' based business improvement governed about manufactured products only, accurately based on a high draw on Product Exchange." The companies adopting integrated technologies had applied significantly upper levels of struggle on strategic preparation and team-based project management and had also attained greater levels of performance through a broader range of performance factors than other companies (Yasin, 1997).
    Technology impacts in Agriculture
    Estimates show that there will be 9 billion persons in the world by 2050. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) projections say we need a 70% raise in food production from 2005 levels to food all those persons, and we have to produce, harvest, distribute, and eat our food better. Our increasing population is becoming gradually urban: the World Health Organization (WHO) projections that 7 out of 10 individuals will live in a town by 2050. We are not gaining extra resources like water or land, nor are we achievement more farmers. So agriculture is an important section and without the involvement of technology in agriculture, we cannot meet people's needs (Christina, 2013).
    Information technology has improved every field of life such as in production process. In production field, the technology plays an important character, involving high-tech products. Due to technology, the work of mints ends in seconds. Many companies also involved business or management procedures with technology. We can improve production with the help of technology. As stated earlier, a declining ratio of farmers in the world has to create more for increasing the population. We implement technology in agriculture and do fast work then earlier. We can use technology in transportation, communication and all fields of life. Thus; Technology has a positive impact on production.

    Boundless.com. (n.d.). Impacts of Technological Change on Productivity. Retrieved from https://www.boundless.com: https://www.boundless.com/economics/textbooks/boundless-economics-textbook/economic-growth-20/productivity-98/impacts-of-technological-change-on-productivity-370-12467/
    Christina. (2013, June 13). The Impact of Technology in Agriculture. Retrieved from http://investeddevelopment.com/: http://investeddevelopment.com/blog/2013/06/the-impact-of-technology-in-agriculture/
    Yasin, M. H. (1997). Advanced manufacturing technology: Implementation policy and performance. Journal of Operations Management, 349–370.

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