• Tuesday, March 28, 2017

    Guidelines for the effective use of email

    E-mail is an important communication medium. With the help of the email messages can be forwarded or replied with ease and speed, and electronic mail has the potential to approach a wide audience. It is also clear that these features can be misused. I would like to mention some fundamental guidelines for the effective use of email that can support you to avoid common issues; on the other hand, you enjoy the many advantages of this technology. It is clear that the email message privacy can’t be guaranteed. An electronic mail message possibly is permanently stored, printed or forwarded by any recipient.
    I would like to provide ten guidelines for the effective use of e-mail such as
    (1)  Be specific and clear
    (2) Be respond and prompt to an important email
    (3) Clarify what your electronic mail is about or use a clear or perfect subject line to name.
    (4) Add significant directional words to the subject
    (5) Be very restrained and careful about forwarding jokes
    (6) Include one topic per email
    (7) Decide sensibly who should be cc-ed on electronic mail
    (8) If you need to explain or resolve a clash pick up the phone
    (9) Minimize your use of bold or block to highlight words and
    (10) Include an email signature

    Finally, I would like to say that the use of e-mail is pretty important for your company or institution development. Manage your email account precisely. Be specific and clear use of your email account.

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