• Saturday, March 25, 2017

    Modern Day Illustrations of Hunter-Gathers

    A human living in a society in which all or most food is acquired by foraging in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely particularly on domesticated species is known as a hunter-gatherer. Hunting-gathering was humanity’s 1st and the most effective adaptation, conquering at least ninety percent of the human history. Only a few contemporary societies are categorized as hunter-gatherers, and several supplement their foraging activity with the keeping animals and horticulture. In the early 1980s, a small on the other hand vocal part of the archaeologists and anthropologists attempted to determine that contemporary groups typically identified as hunter-gatherers. The purpose of this essay is to describe the ways that one acquires social prestige and privilege in a horticultural society.
                The history of the Simple Egalitarian Horticultural societies is pretty long that dates back to approximately 12000 years ago in the Middle East, which was categorized by the utilization of simple tools like as hoes in the domesticating plants like vegetables as means of livelihood. I would like to say that this period of the egalitarian Horticultural societies was a time before the improvement of the agriculture in using animal and plows traction to do farming and horticulturalists utilized to grow extra food and traded some of them that prepared their quantity to be more than the pastoralists (McLeod, 2012).
                It is clear that the Egalitarian Horticultural societies utilized to endure without the centralized organ of political, economic power or simply prevailing in hereditary status structures. It is also clear that the egalitarian societies were familiar of various prestige, privilege, and statuses that individual enjoyed freely. There are numerous ways that individually acquired social privilege and prestige in the egalitarian horticultural societies. Individual who occupied high social status were categorized by the more enjoyed and privileges of many prestige as compared to their complements in the lower statuses. On the other hand, there were particular ways that one acquired social privilege and prestige as an outcome of social ranks in the egalitarian settings.
                Privilege and prestige shared many relationships with the rank attainment in the horticultural societies. On the other hand the absence of organized political power on the subject of the stratified inherited ranks or social system, peoples shared relative equality. However social or leadership differences still occurred even though it, not that recognized. Assuming a particular leadership position in the horticultural society all over the personal achievement may be through the rearing of animals, advanced farming and utilization of enhanced farming tools were what deliberated social rank to the individual in the society. So, there is a big relationship exists between the distribution system and the status/ranking system (O. William Farley, 2011).
                In conclusion, I would like to say that the history of the Simple Egalitarian Horticultural societies is pretty long in the Middle East. Privilege and prestige shared many relationships with the rank attainment in the horticultural societies. The distribution of goods in a typical horticultural society played a significant role and horticulturalists utilized to grow extra food and traded some of them that prepared their quantity to be more than the pastoralists.

    McLeod, J. D. (2012). Social Stratification and Inequality. Springer Netherlands.
    O. William Farley, L. L. (2011). Introduction to Social Work (12th Edition). Pearson; 12 edition (July 9, 2011).

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