• Saturday, March 25, 2017

    Social work practice: Generalist practice, theory, administration and research, and case management

    The administrators play a key role in ensuring that the agency is using the evidence-based practices. They have solid trends of focusing on the most appropriate ways for providing magnificent patient care and incorporate the evidence-based practices into the procedures and policies of the agency to enhance the patient care. Many of the administrators incorporate the evidence-based practices because many nurses lack the knowledge and time of the ways to obtain the Evidence based practice's research. The administrators address the areas which the nurses don’t understand from the evidence based practice research articles. The administrators assist the nurses to make them comfortable with evidence based practices and support the use of the evidence based practices in the non-clinical and clinical issues.”
    It is quite important for the administrators to stay up-to-date with the current research within the field because this would enable them to utilize the most recent advancement in the technology and they would also make the nurses up to date with the knowledge. They can acknowledge the current research in the field by visiting the online articles, newly published studies in the different journals. They can also stay up to date through listening to the lectures of the experts.
    I believe that the social workers act as the advocates for their clients. As the advocates, they educate the clients and make them acknowledge them the new skills. They figure out the different resources in the community and link their clients to these necessary resources inside the community. The social workers use to protect their vulnerable clients and make sure that they observe their best interests. They also counsel the clients who are looking for any sort of assistance and support. They provide them assistance and support as they desire. They are in fact the social advocates that assist the community in any possible way. The social workers also tend to research the social problems and try to assess the remedies for these problems. Hence, the muddiest point in understanding what the social workers are that they are the social advocates that help their clients in all possible ways.
    The clinical social work has the goals to establish the specialized knowledge and understanding of the groups, families, and individuals and preventive and therapeutic interventions. The case management has the goals to promote the customers and patient satisfaction by providing cost-effective and quality care across the continuum and focus the care plan not on the system but the patient. Both the clinical work and case management are different, but they overlap in the sense that both have somewhat similar goals and objectives like focusing on providing the quality care to the patients.
    I believe that in the clinical social work, the future seems brighter and more appealing. This is because there is a lack of clinical social workers and the need of the clinical social workers is on a high and will increase in the future. Hence, to me becoming the clinical social worker seems more appealing.

    Farley, O. W., Smith, L. L., & Boyle, S. W. (2011).  Introduction to social work (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780205001972

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