• Tuesday, March 28, 2017

    Summary and Critical Response of Working at McDonald's

    In "Working at McDonald's," Amitai Etzioni argues that employed at fast-food chains like as McDonald's has few advantages than disadvantages for teenagers for many reasons: weakens performance and school attendance, has no additional ability for teenagers to study that can be used in future in their lifetime, and provides teenagers an erroneous attitude about money. Initially, he talks that it has a habit of to be common for youths to have a part time work while going to school as an American tradition.
    To help or support his thesis, he carries out the idea of the sidewalk lemonade stand and a newspaper route. He asserts that these types of works are highly uneducational for the reason that they are highly routinized. Creativity, initiative, or even elementary reorganizations, in this working environment, do not take place. Amitai Etzioni said that: “McDonald's is bad for your kids.” He also cites a point that the students who work as part-time after they graduate not to get good quality jobs. The author also claims that these types of work are fit to lower-class more than higher class.
    Critical Response
    The Amitai Etzioni writes Working at McDonald's, article in which he says that part-time jobs such as at McDonald’s have many disadvantages like as low school attendance and low academic grades, etc. He said that McDonald's is not good for your children. He also mentioned that according to studies as two 3rds of USA’s high school seniors and juniors now doing part-time jobs and in many ways nearer examination, these types of work highly uneducational. He also tells his reader that the kids who do part time jobs not get good jobs after getting the degree. The writer point of view is that part time jobs affected future skills.
    The thesis of Amitai Etzioni is not 100% correct because some students work due to many responsibilities. Some students’ manage his school works with his part time jobs effectively. They get good academic grades, and many students have experienced due to part-time jobs, so they get beautiful jobs due to work experiences. Every kid wants to enjoy his life, but they work due to responsibilities. I want to tell you a story of my close friend. He studied at school but his parent cannot pay his fee due to some reason, and he was also having many responsibilities such as home expenditure, paying for his parent medicine and fee for his little brothers and sisters, etc.
    He works at McDonald’s, and he wants to study only such as many other children, but his responsibilities did not permit him to study only. One day he became quite upset due to his responsibilities. He decides to say good bay to his study. He tells me that I want to become a full-time worker for McDonald’s. I said him that please didn't stop your study because due to knowledge you will become a great man. He liked my advice and acted on it. He continued his study and work at McDonald’s. He was studying with his earnings and also spends money for his parent and brothers and sisters. When he sees that he is free immediately, he starts the study.

    So when he gives exams, he passes his all subject with excellent marks. He takes admission in college and continued study with his part-time job, so he also passes his graduates exam with excellent marks. Now he is a manager at McDonald’s. The work experience demonstrates us a lot of knowledge which we cannot be educated in schools because many companies focus on work experience. So the Amitai Etzioni write a good article for teenagers but not excellent because part-time jobs have many advantages with its disadvantages.

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